Embrace Leadership

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Do I know how to lead?

Embrace Leadership

There are literally thousands of texts devoted to the subject of leadership. Everyone knows it is paramount to success. In morale surveys, it's interesting that most managers think they are good leaders, but most employees feel they could lead better than their managers!

You have a two-fold leadership challenge. You have the traditional corporate leadership role where you ensure your business delivers on its promises to customers, behaves responsibly and makes money. You also have the challenge of coordinating the talents and ambitions of your franchisees – people who are leaders by nature.

Some guidelines to keep in mind for leading effectively are:

  • Have a clear vision.
  • Be believable.
  • Maintain your integrity.
  • Embrace change.
  • Manage conflict, when necessary.
  • Treat people with respect.
Of course there's a lot more to being an effective leader than using checklists and reading leadership articles. Part of it is being natural and consistent in everything you do. Part of it is personality. Part of it is learned and part of it is innate. Your goal is to be receptive to opportunities that improve your leadership abilities.



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